Welcome to Mark's Astrophotography Page. I have been taking photos of the sky
since I was in college back in the mid-70's. Back then, I was using 35mm film
cameras. Nowadays, I use digital cameras which make the process of taking
astrophotos much faster and easier. I hope to put lots of photos with text onto this site.
This site is mainly intended to share my astrophotos with my fellow astronomy club members,
but hopefully everyone else can enjoy it also.
Use the index on the left side of the page to navigate to the different sections of my site.
Click on this link: Latest Images to see my newest photos.

M81 - a spiral galaxy in Ursa Major photographed on Feb. 9, 2013. 29 x 2 minute subframes were captured through my TeleVue Genesis 4" refractor and an SBIG ST-402 CCD camera. The telescope was mounted on a Losmandy G-11. The light frames, dark frames, and flat frames were captured with MaximDL. In Feb. 2020, the original data was reduced and stacked using PixInsight then taken into Photoshop CS 2020 for further processing to produce the result seen here. This new 2020 version is an improvemnt over the result produced in 2013.