Lunar Planetary Conjunctions
Conjunction of the Moon, Venus, and Mars - Feb. 20, 2015

This image was taken shortly after sunset on Feb. 20, 2015 from my front yard in Cary.
The crescent Moon was approaching
the bright planet Venus to it's upper left and Mars which is upper right of Venus.
The temperature at the time of the photo was around 20 degrees F. I used my Canon XTi DSLR with
an attached Nikon 180mm f/2.8 lens and a 1/10 second exposure at ISO 1600.
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Moon and Saturn - January 16, 2015

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn taken on 1/16/2015 at 6:27 am.
Saturn was only 1.5 degrees from the Moon this morning.
You can get a sense of the relative size of the Moon and Saturn with this photo.
This shot was taken with my Stellarvue 80 mm f/9.4 refractor and my Canon XTi digital camera.
Exposure was 1/200 second at ISO 800. Images were captured with Backyard EOS
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Moon near the Pleiades

Crescent Moon near the Pleiades April 26, 2009.
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Moon Venus conjunction

The Moon and Venus in conjunction on Saturday evening May 19th 2007. Exposuere data: 500mm f/5, ISO 400 and a two second exposure.
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Moon Venus Jupiter conjunction

The Moon, Venus, and Jupiter Dec. 1, 2008 at 5:57 pm. Taken with a Canon 350 Rebel XT, Nikon 135 mm lens on a fixed tripod. Exposure duration was 1 second at ISO 800.
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